QuickFix Technologies offers data recovery services & Mac Data Recovery Dubai from hard drives formatted for Apple MAC systems with preliminary and preventive diagnosis.
MAC systems, like all products inaugurated by Apple , are extremely successful among users for the type of extremely intuitive interface, specifically designed to be within the reach of the user, the attention to design. Despite the meticulous attention to detail, even MAC systems are equipped with common hard drives, and are therefore sensitive to the same damage or data loss situations as any other hard drive .
Are MAC systems safer?
As with any other system, even the MAC systems designed by Apple are equipped with common hard drives.
This means that, like all hard disks, even the disk drives inside Apple systems are not free from damage and wear, and from any other cause of data loss common to all hard disks and systems.
Data recovery operations from MAC systems are not particularly different from operations for Mac Data Recovery Dubai from any other device or system other than Macintosh.
MAC systems. They are mostly equipped with HITACHI hard drives, the filesystems for Apple MAC devices are HFS and HFS +, while the operating system is OSX; using mostly HITACHI hard disks, we can identify a single particularity in the sensitivity of these hard disks to an engine problem, which seems to lose rotation.
In addition to this specific damage, attributable to the type of hard disk model, we can combine hard disks for MAC systems with any other device, analyzing all the standard situations that determine data recovery activities .
The file systems for Apple MAC devices are therefore HFS and HFS + which provide formats and protocols that are clearly different from those adopted by Windows, and therefore methods of interpreting and reading specific files during data analysis and recovery. The advanced technical instruments of QuickFix Technologies allow to regularly interpret the data flows that the particular file system generates.
Damage and data recovery from Apple MAC hard drives
We have already specified that there is no substantial difference between a hard disk formatted for MAC systems and a hard disk of any other system , if not in the filesystem, therefore in what concerns the management of files.
Hard disks inserted in MAC systems can experience 3 types of damage:
- Mechanical Damage
- Logical Corruption
- Electrical Damage
The mechanical damage relates to the corruption of the head unit and motor, a mechanical component of the hard disk; the head assembly and the motor are mostly damaged by wear of the device, falls or accidental bumps.
The logical damage concerns the magnetic area of the hard disk, therefore the platters of the logical surface; generally this type of corruption is linked to the fall or impact of the hard disk, and occurs when the heads, in particular, work irregularly on the platters, damaging and scratching them.
The electrical damage concerns the electronic board or PCB, that is the board positioned in the rear part of the hard disk, easily identifiable because it is green in color; this is particularly sensitive to heat sources due to its specific composition (mainly of highly flammable plastic material), short circuit or voltage overload.
At the level of damage and data recovery operations, therefore, there is no difference in operating MAC hard disks rather than other types.
The difference remains at the level of file analysis, or rather, of interpretation of the HFS filesystem.
In addition to mechanical, electrical and logical damage, data loss situations related to user actions such as accidental formatting, deletion of data, incorrect formatting, file encoding, overwriting or failure to access files must be considered.
QuickFix Technologies works on all Apple devices such as MacPro , MacBook , iMac and any platform designed by Apple, and from mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad.
Data recovery operations from Apple mobile devices
In addition to Apple MAC hard disk systems , our data recovery service is also extended to mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets, therefore products such as iPhones and iPads , of every series, and with every version of the iOS operating system .
Our Laboratory Engineers have developed software, equipped with free demos, which allow the user to retrieve the data and information contained in their devices without the need to send the device to our centers, but directly from their PC, by downloading the software and connecting the iOS device from which you want to Mac Data Recovery Dubai.
MacBook Data Recovery
QuickFix Technologies works with professional data recovery services from MacBook systems. All levels of hard drives, capacities and manufacturers can be inserted into MacBook systems. Mostly on Mac systems we will find hard drives manufactured by Hitachi. Our center works equally on all Mac Data Recovery Dubai platforms.
MAC Mini Data Recovery
Discover our MAC Mini system data recovery service. The Mac mini is the smallest and cheapest Macintosh Apple has ever produced. Recovery Italia is able to intervene in any case of data loss from MAC Mini. Whatever the damage or the level of data loss from MAC Mini Recovery Italy can help you recover your data!
MAC PRO Recovery
Contact us to recover your data from MAC iMAC system, damaged, with cases of file deletion or accidental formatting.
The IMAC system is a powerful workstation equipped with SATA hard disk. Our service offers a completely free diagnosis and quote on your iMAC, not binding.
Data Recovery from LACIE External Hard Drives
Our service works for data recovery from hard disks contained in LACIE boxes, or NAS and RAID LACIE systems. LACIE systems are however equipped with standard hard disk, once the hard disk or hard disk has been extracted from the box, the Technician will work directly on the disk unit.
APPLE Data Recovery
QuickFix Technologies is able to recover data and perform forensic investigations on APPLE devices: iPhone 1, iPhone 3, iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5s ,, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 plus. Thanks to our technologies we can recover any type of file from all Apple iOS devices.
IPAD Data Recovery
We intervene and recover data from damaged and functioning iPads, for the recovery of existing or deleted data.
The instruments allow us to read all the iPad models, extracting and recovering the data without any hindrance.
IPHONE 3G Data Recovery
iPhone 3GS is the third generation of iPhone, designed and marketed by Apple.
We work on all iPhone models, from the first series to the latest models, both damaged and functional, to recover data from the memory.
Seagate Hard Drive Technical Support
Our technical support on hard drives manufactured by Seagate, data recovery from damaged Seagate and replacement under warranty
Recover iPhone Data
We can help you recover deleted data from your iPhone or return inaccessible data due to device damage.
Retrieve Data From a MAC Computer Wet With Distilled Water
Have you ever had to iron and use your PC at the same time? This is what happened to our desperate client who contacted us today. Let’s talk about data recovery operations from a MAC computer wet with distilled water.
Recover Data from Mac SSD that Gets Stuck on Loading Bar
We know that if we have to recover data from a Mac SSD that gets stuck on the loading bar we have to search for the cause directly on the solid state device which obviously prevents the operating system from starting and working properly.